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The Intuition Catalyst group program

Develop your intuition in 8 weeks to create

unshakeable confidence in your powerful inner wisdom   

~ Awaken your intuition ~


The Intuition Catalyst is the rebirth of my former program Spiritual Mentorship. 

This is a one of a kind program that you won't find anywhere else!


The Intuition Catalyst is for those that want to open up & activate their intuition to led a life of unshakeable confidence from a place of powerful inner wisdom


Image by Karly Jones

Get ready to:


⭐ Discover the best modality for you so you can step into your intuition powerfully and confidently


⭐ Lead life from your intuition and tap into divine guidance you can’t find on Google


⭐ Stop second guessing yourself and outsourcing your inner wisdom... find it fully within! (stop the googling & asking for advice entirely!)


After this program you will *know* you’re intuitive af, no doubt about it.

Does this sound like a dream to you?

Well now you've been lead here to Intuition Catalyst 

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Let me let you in on a secret...


You're feeling pulled to spiritual tools like crystals, oracle cards, Akashic Records, chakras because your intuition is ready to be AWAKENED.

Your inner wisdom is ready to pour through you so you can lead a more connected, purposeful life!

Your INTUITION is ready to be AWAKENED


THAT is what these tools do.

THAT is why you're being drawn to spiritual tools to begin with.


Spiritual tools awaken & open your intuition. Especially when used intentionally.

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What the
8-weeks will look like:

Week 1

March 21st 7:00pm est

The 6 Clairs & Nature Connection- 

Learn & practice the 6 clairs. Discover which is your strongest to get started tapping in immediately, and learn how to strengthen it plus the other clairs. Learn & practice how connecting with nature is the ultimate intuition opener of all. 

Week 3

April 4th 4:30pm est

Oracle Cards 

Open up your intuition through learning how to read your own oracle cards and even read for others! 

Week 5

April 18th 4:30pm est

Spirit Guides

Expand your experience with your intuition by learning who is on your unique Spirit team and what they're there to support you with. Learn to communicate & connect with your Guides directly in this session! 

Week 7

May 16th 4:30pm est

Crystal Work

Activate your intuition with crystals! Communicate with and use crystals for energy alchemy for yourself and others. Make friends with your crystals, and discover how they connect with your intuition. 

Week 2

March 28th 4:30pm est

Energy work & chakras-

Open your intuition with energy work. Learn how to tap into your chakra energy centers. You are your own best healer! Learn what energy healing is and how it works. In this session you will come away with having learned to do a chakra healing for yourself! 

Week 4

April 11th 4:30pm est

Akashic Records 

Discover more of your intuition with the powerful magic of the Akashic Records. In this session, you will learn what the Akashic Records are, and you will actually access your own Records (the record of your soul)! 

Week 6

April 25th 4:30pm est


Explore and open your intuition through meditation. Discover seated, walking, and movement meditation practices to open your intuition.

Week 8

May 23rd 4:30pm est


Activate your ability to channel, which is to experience receiving divine messages from Source, spirit guides, or your higher self. You can absolutely channel, and I can't wait to see how this intuition journey culminates for you in your ability to channel with your unique intuition. 

Here are the deets

8 weekly live group calls

A new spiritual tool taught each week by which to connect with your intuition in a new exciting way

Practice your intuition on every call

Magical group chat for connection between calls

Recordings of all group calls

Investment: $888

✨ Pay in Full Bonus: 30 minute Reiki Energy Healing Session 

✨ Payment plans available! Reach out in the form below for options. 

Enrollment is now OPEN until March 17, 2023

“I just happened upon the spiritual mentorship and Hannah on the last day to sign up for the program and it was divine universe timing! My life had been continuing to swirl and I wanted to go within myself and have inner peace. It was time to process things that had happened in my life and heal from them, and then, there it was like a beacon calling, the spiritual mentorship. The support Hannah and the group of like minded women provided was essential in learning to feel safe in my body and spiritual practice. I’ll be forever thankful for the healing and growth that took place in the bubble of the mentorship as well as the friendships we formed!”  - Tanna E 

“I have been wanting to write to you about how much the mentorship has done for me but I haven’t quite been able to put it in words. I can certainly feel it in my core and bones but I’m working on the expression of it. Thank you for holding space for me to welcome the highest version of myself back to me. She’s here and is really me and she’s so frickin awesome. For the first time in a long time I can recall I truly feel it. So again thank you for your time and energy. Keep being the light Hannah. You are seriously changing lives!!!! 💕✨💗” -Annika E

Get in touch

"I am excited for my life and my year thanks to Hannah. I know the next steps forward and I feel so lovingly integrated and safe in my body. Thank you Hannah for your brilliant gifts. So many amazing women need your light, your love and your support!"

Hannah Jade W.

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